of Insight, Expansion, and Inner Healing
I act as a spiritual guide to help people heal themselves;
body, mind, and soul, through my online school.
The Seekers School of Insight, Expansion, and Inner Healing, is a heart-centered space where members learn to heal themselves through instructional videos, pre-recorded self-healing sessions, live zoom sessions, and open-minded discussion
with fellow members.
They learn to look within themselves to remove limiting beliefs
and patterns that keep them stuck.
They work to develop their intuition and connection
to their higher self and their spirit team.
They heal themselves through energy, non-resistance,
and frequency healing modalities.
They open and expand their minds to gain enlightenment.
Free Your Heart
Nourish Your Soul
Expand Your Mind
Shadow Work
Galactic History
Origin of Evil
Near Death Experiences
Frequency Healing
Feeling Energy
Light Movement
Ascension Activations